Before You Start
If you're familiar with formatting posts on Reddit, there is a way to automatically convert Reddit markdown into HTML without knowing any HTML. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, and you have no desire to learn markdown, ignore this page.
# Sample Markdown
This is some basic, sample markdown.
## Second Heading
* Unordered lists, and:
1. One
1. Two
1. Three
* More
> Blockquote
And **bold**, *italics*, and even *italics and later **bold***.
Even ~~strikethrough~~.
[A link]( to somewhere.
Or an image of bears
The end ...
Copy-and-paste into this website.
Sample Markdown
This is some basic, sample markdown.
Second Heading
- Unordered lists, and:
- One
- Two
- Three
- More
And bold, italics, and even italics and later bold.
Even strikethrough.
A link to somewhere.
Or an image of bears
The end ...